After last year's successful Gender in the Catholic Tradition (GCT) course,

with 42 participants from 7 countries (US, Mexico, Guatemala, Nigeria, Kenya, Great Britain, and Hungary) ,
and our September Gender Seminar, with 120 participants from 12 primarily Eastern countries (Australia, Malaysia, Kenya, New Zealand, India, Nigeria, US, Malta, Singapore, Oman, South Africa, and Italy),
Dr. Morel and the International Institute of Culture and Gender Studies are ready once more to spread the Good News about sex and gender in a 10-week international online course beginning September 18 - using the research gathered during the Redeeming Gender project!
Listen to what three of our teaching participants from the first GCT course had to say about the way that it enhanced their teaching, ministry, and personal lives!
In the Fall GCT course, using Scripture, Tradition, and "the treasures hidden in the various forms of human culture, by all of which the nature of man himself is more clearly revealed" (Gaudium et Spes, 44), Catholics from all over the world will gather once more to learn about and discuss application of the Church's teachings on masculinity and femininity and their use in catechetical and pastoral settings.
This is essential practical knowledge for Catholic youth ministers, catechists, and teachers, many of whom are confronted daily by questions on gender, sexuality, and Church teaching.
We need your help in letting them know what we have to offer!
Please help us spread this part of the Good News by doing ONE of the following:
2) Forwarding our registration page or this blogpost to a friend or group!
3) Putting Dr. Morel (jemorel@cultureandgender) in touch
with a leader in your favorite ministry or organization!
For a birds-eye view,
Classes begin on Saturday, September 18,
- for a total of 10 sessions
- online, with live or "on your own time/virtual" options
- and group discounts of 10% for four people or more from the same institution.
God Bless you all for your support and passion for authentic femininity and masculinity, and please know that you, your families, and your work remain in my prayers!